Expert 3D Courses

Comprehensive Transversal Programme in Medical Image Post Processing:
3D Printing and Artificial Intelligence

Professional3D: Postgraduate course with 15 ECTS by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and endorsed by the Academy of Medical Sciences. With the accreditation of also UPC, UdG, UdL, URV, UVIC, UAB, UIC, UdA, UPF, UIB

About the Expert3D Courses

Comprehensive Transversal Program in Medical Image Post Processing:
3D Printing and Artificial Intelligence

Innovative training programmes in image processing and 3D printing, to provide health-related professionals the theoretical and practical knowledge they need to use new imaging technologies for diagnosis and research in their daily practice.

The EXPERT3D courses will enable professionals to perform post-processing of the radiological image for healthcare and research – employing advances like 3D image-prints, virtual technologies and artificial intelligence. These disruptive technologies have fostered the merger of engineering and medicine, creating a demand for professionals with new skills that unite the two disciplines.

EXPERT3D courses will provide the students with the training needed, gathering multidisciplinary instructors with years of practical experience in post-processing of the medical image, planned surgery, 3D printing and use of the image for research.

This is the first set of programmes on medical imaging for diagnosis that targets not only physicians, but also bioengineers, computer scientists, senior technicians in diagnostics imaging and other medical specialists. Given the range of specialties involved, learners will not be required to have prior computer programming knowledge, though those with that knowledge will be guided to understand the basics of 3D imaging and to develop AI algorithms for image processing.

The program is divided into 2 separate courses: 1. Professional3D, focusing on 3D technologies and 2. ProfessionalAI, focusing on AI and radiomics. Students can choose to take either 1 course or the complete program including the 2 courses and a final Conference day in AI.

The learning will take place through a mixture of online training and a 2 weeks in-person practical programme in the Professional3D Course. ProfessionalAI being full-online and the final AI Conference face-to-face in Barcelona.

This project is an international collaboration between public and private institutions and the EIT Health.

Organized by
Course endorsed by
Course sites and dates 2025:

Professional 3D

February 3th - April 6th 2025 (Hybrid, Online)

Practical sessions:
March 10th - 14th 2025 (Barcelona)
Program fees
Program fees: 1050€
10% discount for active members of SERAM, RC, SCB Maxil·lofacial, SCCOT and SECOM CYC

Professional AI

March 31th - April 13th 2025 (Online)

Program fees
Program fees: 250€
10% discount for active members of SERAM, RC, SCB Maxil·lofacial, SCCOT and SECOM CYC

Conference AI

March 31th - April 13th 2025 (Online)
Program fees
Program fees: 50€

Common details


Image Technicians
Healthcare researchers
Innovation Managers and Specialists in new technologies


Spanish and English


Josep Munuera, MD PhD Radiologist

Arnau Valls, Engineer

Academic coordination

Christian Mata, PhD – AI, Computer Vision & Medical Imaging - Academic Coordinator

Your Learning Journey

This blended (online and onsite) program takes you through the fundamentals of radiological imaging, 3D and research imaging post-process that are transforming our world today with real cases and hands-on classes.

Video lectures and discussions

All modules include a series of video lectures by faculty, accompanied by more informal discussions on select topics.

Demonstrations and interactive assignments

Demonstrations and online exercises accompany each module. These serve to illustrate key concepts.

Peer discussion groups

Discussion boards are an integral part of each module and provide a forum where participants can interact, share ideas, and ask questions

Live Q&A sessions

Live webinars with EXPERT3D faculty provide opportunity for additional instruction as well as Q&A sessions for the group.

Final project

Real case solution with a multidisciplinary team

Our Expert 3D catalog

About the Expert3D courses

Imaging techniques

Medical imaging techniques (CT, MRI, Ultrasound)
Reconstruction techniques



Post-processing tools
Bio models and surgery tools
Additive manufacturing processes for medical applications


Imaging for research

Early multimodal brain imaging
AI algorithms for image processing

Meet the Faculty

Josep Munuera

Course Director

Head R&Q Medical Imaging
Vocal of ACRAM
MD, PhD Radiologist

Arnau Valls

Course Director

R&D Engineer HSJD
Ms, IT and Electrical Engineer

Christian Mata Miquel

Academic Coordinator

Research member HSJD-PeCIC | Ms, PhD Computer Vision & Medical Imaging.

Jaume Perez Payarols

Director of Innovation and Research HSJD

MªTeresa Maristany Daunert

Head Medical Imaging

President of ACRAM

Lucas Krauel Gimenez

Pediatric Surgeon


Josep Rubio Palau

Maxillofacial Surgeon


Salvador Pedraza

Director Medical Imaging Hospital Josep Trueta

MD, PhD Radiologist

José Quintilla Martinez

Director of Clinical Simulation in HSJD

MD, Pediatrics

Ignasi Barber Martinez

Head of Service Medical Imaging HSJD

MD, PhD Radiologist

Emili Inarejos Clemente

Medical Imaging HSJD

MD, Radiologist

Flavio Zuccarino

Medical Imaging

Head Cariothoracic Imaging Hospital del Mar, HSJD
MD Radiologist

Jordi Muchart Lopez

Medical Imaging HSJD

MD, Radiologist

Marta Gómez Chiari

Medical Imaging HSJD

MD, Radiologist

Mónica Rebollo Polo

Medical Imaging HSJD

MD, Radiologist

Ferran Pifarré Badia

Head of Medical Imaging Technicians HSJD


Gerard Blasco Solà

Specialist in RM Clinical Applications

PhD, Molecular Biomedicine
Imaging Technician

Felip Fenollosa Artés

Director of CIM-UPC

PhD, Ms, Industrial Engineering

Daniela Tost Pardell

Director of the CREB-UPC

PhD, Computer Science
Ms, Industrial Engineering

Christian Otto Attolini

PhD, Head of Neurosciences Research Center for Biomedical Research in Red and Fundació Sant Joan de Déu

Raúl Benítez Iglesias

Ms, PhD Automatic Control & Biomedical Engineering

Estela Mendoza Bielsa

Medical Imaging Technicians HSJD
Ecography specialist TSID

Pedro Borrego Jimenez

Medical Imaging HSJD
MD, Radiologist

Marta Ayats Soler

Bimedical Engineer 3D Unit, HSJD
Biomedical Engineer

Carlos Aláez Vasconcellos

Clinical Simulation Specialist

Pol Canal Noguer

Msc. Biomedical Engineering, Physicist
Predoctoral Research Fellow in FSJD - Cognition and Brain Plasticity (IDIBELL)

Xavier Canals Riera

Director Tecno-med
Vicepresident SEEIC

Claire Murphy

Associate Consultant Tecno-med

Javier Sánchez Gonzalez

Clinical Scientist, Philips Iberia

Elisabeth Engel López

Coordinator of the Research Group Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies, IBEC

Miguel Ángel Mateos Timoneda

Senior Researcher Biomaterials for Regenerative
Therapies, IBEC

Salvador Borrós Gómez

Coordinator of the Research Group Materials
Engineering GEMAT, IQS

Robert Teixidó Bartés

CTO and Co-Founder, Tractivus

Hans-Ulrich Kauczor

Medical Director, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Heidelberg University Hospital

Núria Adell Gómez

Biomedical Engineer 3D Unit HSJD, Biomedical Engineer

Sandra Bernaus Tomé

Researcher HSJD, Biomedical Engineer HSJD

2019 – 2024 Outcomes


Number of participants

(radiologists, surgeons, engineers, clinicians, designers)





Experienced lecturers

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